Remembering those who have passed away
Twice a year we hold a Memorial Service. This is a service where anyone who has lost a loved one is invited to light a candle in their memory, which is then placed on the altar. The service is one of thanksgiving and many find it to be a comforting way in which to let go and hand over their loved one to God. Where the funeral has recently taken place, the relatives will be contacted by a member of our Bereavement Visiting Team to see if they would like to be part of this special service. You will also be very welcome to take part if you have someone whose funeral was conducted elsewhere. Please contact the church office so that a candle can be prepared for them. Members of the team are always available to talk to anyone about their bereavement, either over the phone or by visiting.
Please contact the church office if you feel we can be of help to you. If you would like a candle lit in memory of someone please download and complete the form on this page.