The work in the Parish is supported by the generous giving of parishioners. Without this support we could not keep our buildings open for public use, or employ staff to co-ordinate our different ministries.
If you would like to give an offering to the work of Sandal Magna Parish please send a cheque made payable to Sandal Magna PCC to: Parish Office, St Helen’s Parish Church, Barnsley Road, Sandal, Wakefield, WF2 6EJ. If you would like to give on a regular basis, please consider making payments by ‘Standing Order’ or using our weekly ‘Envelope Scheme’. You can download the ‘Regular Giving’ form, and send this to The Parish Office (see above).
Alternatively you can scan this QR code and make a donation directly from your phone.

To make your gift go further, please consider ‘Gift Aiding’ your payments. By completing a simple declaration (included with the ‘Regular Giving’ form), we can claim back a percentage of your gift from the government. You have to be a tax payer for us to make a claim. For further information contact the Parish Office or Nigel Brook telephone: 07740 112902. If you would like to leave a legacy in your will please contact Nigel Brook telephone: 07740 112902
Thank you for your support