“Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” Matthew 19:14 NIV
We Welcome You!
Children and Families are such an important part of St Helen’s Sandal Magna Church community.
11am Services
Sandal Magna Kids church runs alongside our 11am morning gathering on the 1st and 4th Sunday of each month. All together worship every 3rd Sunday, where we all gather together for an interactive talk/sermon plus a time for reflective worship & prayer.
Portobello Toddler Group
We run our Toddler Group on a Wednesday morning 9.30 – 11am (term time) at the Portobello Community Centre. We provided a warm space where the children can play and be creative. plus refreshments!
Contact Information
Email. sandalmagna@gmail.com